Application for Bank Account Closure

Friends, today we have written an Application for Saving or Current bank Account Closure in any country like India, UK, USA, Australia etc.

You can modify this sample letter according to your requirements.

Application for Bank Account Closure

Bank Account Close Application in English

The Manager
…….. Bank

Sub: Closure of Savings Bank Account No………………


I’d like to inform you that I have A savings account in your bank with Account no. XXXXXX for the Past three years. Now I am not interested to continue this account it. Kindly close the account.

Thank you

Yours faithfully

Ramesh Kumar
A/c no. xxxxxxx
Signature –

Application for Bank Account Close

The Manager
…….. Bank

Sub: Closure of Savings Bank Account No………………


I hold an account No.xxxxxx with your branch since I am I’m in no mood to continue this account kindly close the account and credit the amount to me by cash/dd.

Thanking you

Your faithfully

Ramesh Kumar
A/c no. xxxxxxx
Date –
Signature –

Bank Account Closure Sample Letter

The Manager,
…….. Bank,

Sub: Closure of Savings Bank Account No………………

I have opened a saving bank account here 5 years ago. my account number is 123456. As I am unable to maintain the minimum balance and do not do cash transfer with this account. I want to close their account now. Kindly close the account and credit the amount to me by cash/dd.

Thanking you

Your faithfully

Amit Sharma
A/c no. xxxxxxx
Date –
Signature –

Application for Closing Bank Account Letter

The Manager
…….. Bank

Ref.- Saving bank A/c no.xxxxxxx
Sub: Closing Account

With reference to above, I would like to close my above Mentioned saving account no.__________. Due to some personal Reason with immediate effect.

Hence I request You to please Close my said account And handover balance amount in cash and oblige.

Kindly acknowledge the same.

Thanking you

Your faithfully

Sumit Kumar
A/c no. xxxxxxx
Date –
Signature –

Request for Bank Account Closing Letter

The Manager
…….. Bank

Sub: Closure of Savings Bank Account No………………

With reference to my savings bank account number with your branch as mentioned above, I am willing to close my account since I am not in need of the account further.

I am surrendering Passbook, ATM Card, unused cheque leaves along with the application.

The closure balance may please be paid in cash.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully
Vishal Kumar
Date –
Signature –

Also Read –

Application for Bank Account Statement

Application for Bank Account Transfer

Application for Reopening Bank Account

Application for New Cheque Book

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5 thoughts on “Application for Bank Account Closure”

  1. hy sir the bank account for bank name =bajaj fiance pvt ltd bank to hac k next bank of state bank of india
    account number 33428707861
    ifsce blank code by brach
    code: SBIN0002610


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